#599 Transformers Triggerbots/Triggercons - Dogfight In Addition To Crankcase (1988)

The triggerbots together with the triggercons are some other curt serial past times Hasbro/Takara, consisting of solely a few robots (three of each faction inward the G1). These are rather small, but about 9-10 centimeters high, together with came amongst no weapons, together with thus both figures shown today are complete. Their activeness characteristic is that they transform (partly-)automatically past times pushing 1 button/trigger.

This clit activates a pocket-size wind-up motor that moves some parts of the vehicle/alternate shape of the robot to their concluding position. Then, yous ask to stretch the robot legs, accept the caput out, or whatever other elementary step. The characteristic is non something revolutionary, since a groovy purpose of the fun spell playing amongst these figures is to transform them...

This makes the triggerbots/triggercons conduct maintain 2 robot modes together with 2 alternate modes: "normal" together with "attack" mode. This subgroup of robots includes soundless prissy robots amongst rather skilful alternate modes, the 4WD vehicle looks great, together with Dogfight amongst its contrary wings looks besides great. More complex robots would conduct maintain been better, but Hasbro in all likelihood wanted a depression budget series.

  • Faction: Autobot
  • Subgroup: Triggerbots
  • Function: Aerial Combat
  • Motto: “Don't burn 'til yous run across the lights of their eyes”
  • Bio: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 wild, wicked street fighter of the skyways. Never met a Decepticon he didn't desire to destroy immediately. Likes to teach nosecone-to-nosecone amongst his opponents inward a "dance of doom" equally he puts it. Equipped amongst rear-mounted fusion-powered blowtorch blasters inward jet together with robot Modes. Also armed amongst serrated wingtips that cutting through enterprise steel.
  • Tech Specs for Dogfight:
    • Strength: 7
    • Intelligence: 5
    • Speed: 7
    • Endurance: 7
    • Rank: 5
    • Courage: 10
    • Firepower: 7
    • Skill: 9
  • Faction: Decepticon
  • Subgroup: Triggercons
  • Function: Data Collector
  • Motto: “Things are never equally skilful equally they seem”
  • Bio: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 wheezing, whining ingrate. As welcome equally a rash of rust-rot. The worse things get, the happier he is. Enjoys complaining virtually everything. Equipped amongst vast retentiveness storage capacity together with shell-resistant armor. Also equipped amongst infrared probes that penetrate together with analyze enemy circuitry. Armed amongst 2 high-impact Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation blasters together with a distortion modulator that scrambles enemy cerebral impulses.
  • Tech Specs for Crankcase:
    • Strength: 8
    • Intelligence: 6
    • Speed: 3
    • Endurance: 9
    • Rank: 7
    • Courage: 7
    • Firepower: 8
    • Skill: 8
FACTS together with FIGURES:
  • Name: DOGFIGHT together with CRANKCASE
  • Toy Line: Transformers (Triggerbots/Triggercons)
  • Year: 1988
  • Company: Hasbro (U.S.A.) / Takara (Japan)
  • Size inward Robot mode: Around 10 cm

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